So, what have I been up to? I'm still shooting regularly, but I've more or less just been maintaining my handgun marksmanship skills and focusing on improving in other areas that would help me prevail in a self-defense scenario. Specifically, I:
- Got more serious about physical fitness and going to the gym regularly
- Took a low light handgun class from Protective Shooting Concepts last November
- Attended a trauma/first aid class from Active Response Training in January
- Began taking boxing lessons at Ohio Valley MMA in February
- Took a very mindset-focused handgun class from One Life Defense earlier this month
I'd like to take another handgun class from One Life Defense later this year and a carbine class with somebody this year or next. I haven't had any formal training with my AR since 2012 or practiced much with it much lately and it's time to bust the rust off.
What have I not been up to? I haven't done much competitive pistol shooting for the last year and a half for 2 main reasons:
- First, I go to church with my family on Sunday mornings and that happens to be when everybody in my area schedules their IDPA matches. My club was running matches on Saturday mornings, but they haven't hosted a match on any day for about 2 years.
- Second, that's time I could be spending on the range working on my weak areas. I've gotten a lot out of competition and met the most welcoming group of shooters I've had the pleasure of associating with. I still plan to do it every now and then and I'm sure I'll be back in the future trying to get more out of it, but my focus is elsewhere right now.
I'm planning to take an indefinite break from teaching open enrollment classes after this training season. I still plan on teaching friends and family in a not-for-profit kind of way, but I won't be scheduling or promoting any open enrollment stuff for a while.
So that's what I've been up to and some of my plans. If you ever need to contact me please e-mail me at or private message me on the WBH Facebook page. I'd love to hear from you.